With Sasha to snowy Sighisoara

Three days ago I went to the sweet little town Sighisoara in Transsylvania again. Hitchhiking from Bucharest with my flatmate Sasha was pretty easy. First we went by bus to the airport which is a bit outside directly at the road towards Brashov. Sasha put all her creative skills into drawing a wonderful sign for Brashov. We didn’t even have to put out the sign when a delivery van carrying soya products already had stopped. The driver spoke very good English and told us about his plans to cross Russia and the Bering Sea to Alaska with a motorbike next year. We drove through wonderful mountains, he made some deliveries on the way and dropped us on the other side of Brashov directly at the road to Sighisoara at a petrol station. A new sign, snow falls, 20 minutes later we were driving on with an older truck driver in a small lorry. The snow on the street made it quite difficult to drive the truck through the mountains. With blaring traditional Manele music, the cozy growl of the engine and hair-drier like heating we crawled through wintery landscapes into the dark. We were dropped right in the centre of Sighisoara and walked to Tino’s house. Tino is one of the many Germans in Transsylvania building up their existence based on the traditionally good relationships of the area with Germany and the admiration of everything German. He was showing us our room in his newly build small guesthouse and the computers that I should take care of during the next days. Tino took Sasha and me to the sourrounding villages on his way to different constuction sites that he is involved in. So here I am enjoying my little break from life in Bucharest, tinkering on computers, having traditional food and going for walks.. ^_^

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