Mangalia – Bucharest

Latest news: No, no bird flu in Mangalia yet, and with good food from Miruna’s mum I’m happily tapping away on my laptop to catch up with many things that piled up over the summer: freelance and voluntary projects, server/hosting related things and many emails. I’m on a dial-up connection, so not surfing around or blogging a lot. Also I’m not moving around too much, so there’s nothing to write about anyway. 😉 But I’m off to Bucharest for a few days now: Minibus to Constanta, trolley bus number 5 to the end right on the road towards Bucharest, waiting for a little, lift to a metro station in Bucharest – business as usual, hehe. Now that I seem a bit like a local to my drivers they usually expect the common fee for a lift of about half the price of the cheapest train ticket from me. And I am happy to pay, because it’s not the adventure that I’m travelling for, but mere transportation.

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