Been busy

Hey, that was quite some gap in this blog. Welcome back. I’m still in Schwerin and I am busy with things – obviously. During the weeks I work on various things like the EYFA website, the Global Village 2006 website, my form management software Informal, many things to do with our web server Mokey, the MAtours website, an independent video database project, quotes for new jobs, my taxes (my favourite!) and some smaller things that I forgot right now. There is a strong tide in my inbox that washes tasks into my todo list. I’m there with spades and sand bags – brave and every morning. On the weekends I do short trips to places nearby. I was in Berlin for New Year’s, I went to Hamburg for Hauke’s Balkan social movements talk, to Berlin again for a German Red Falcons meeting and a big communist march, to a video activist meeting in the Wendland, an area that is famous for its regular protests against transports to the local “temporary” nuclear dump. Thanks to the 84 year old man that took the time to do a big detour right to the place of the meeting. He fought in Africa for the Nazis and was POW in the USA and England. — This weekend I visited my father in Rostock. On Saturday night I went out on a crawl through various places with Martin. It was a nice treat to be amongst a good crowd of students, something Schwerin is unfortunately lacking. Martin kept buying those cocktails, uh oh.

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