Ankara – Cappadocia

Two days ago Daniel and me hitch-hiked from Ankara towards south. The first lift was given by a Police van – cool! They tend to do this here sometimes for foreigners. At night we arrived by truck in Aksaray were we put our tent (thanks again for the lend, Maura! 🙂 near the main street between some houses and shops. After getting up in the morning we were already putting out the thumb again when a shop owner’s family invited us for breakfast – dobre! We went on by slow, slow, superslow truck to the Cappadocia destrict that is famous for its man made caves in (kind of) beehive-shaped rocks. In Uchisar we saw the first beautiful example of this strange housing. After watching a wonderful sunset from an elevated viewpoint we picked our cave for the night. I bought some breakfast for the next morning, dobre pivo and wine, and went up to our shelter in the citadelle of the town, which is completely carved out of a massive rock. It looks a bit like a Swiss cheese. People here don’t seem to mind travellers sleeping in the caves, so we enjoyed the splendid view over towns, canyons, rocks and hills from high up while it was getting dark and at sunrise. Wow, nothing like I’ve ever seen before. Today Daniel went off to the nearby Ortahisar and I will meet him there later. I walked through the cave-riddled canyon to Goereme. Many people still live in these caves and equipped them with satellite dishes and windows. A bizarre picture. We will go back to Ankara tomorrow and to the south coast early next week. Alright, will get more Doener now..

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