Milada squat Prague – Budapest – Belgrade

Aaaaaand: ..Belgrade! It’s nice and sunny and the people are friendly. In Prague I stayed in the Milada squat. Unfortunately there was hardly anyone there. It was pretty cold, people hid in their rooms, the water in the kettle in the kitchen was frozen. Probably the wrong time of the year to visit. It’s a very nice building and I’m sure in the summertime it’s luvly. I fired up a little oven and put on as many layers of clothes as possible and had a nice few hours of sleep. In the early morning I went to Budapest. And I’m so glad that I decided to fill some of the waiting hours with watching the movie “Dogville”. A lot of food for thoughts. Haven’t seen such a good film/play in a while. After a comfortable train journey through the night here I am, Red Star Belgrade! Looking forward to the days to come and New Year’s.

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