Pula – Ljubljana – Berlin – Schwerin

Hitch dee dop, a hip dee bop – that was easy! Got to Berlin one day ahead of schedule, and now I’m in Schwerin. On Friday Dragan woke me up with some drumming and around noon I started started hitchhiking to Ljubljana from Pula’s central roundabout. A friendly craftsman took me to the petrol station at the exit of town. From there a rock carrying truck took me to an intersection some 20 km away. After two minutes a part-time salesman took me to an intersection 3 towns further. The first car – another craftsman – stopped and brought me to the next town. From there someone with very dirty hands and a slight garlic odour took me all the way to Ljubljana and I arrived at 4 in the afternoon. On the way I saw Pera (Dragan’s girlfriend) standing beside the road in the other direction. It’s a small hitchhiking world. I stayed at Ursa’s, someone I know from a movie set of a mass battle scene with dozens of blue painted naked people three years ago near Berlin (another story). Thanks again, Ursa! 🙂

The next morning at 10 o’clock I went by bus to the motorway drive-up to Austria. There I stood for about an hour when a young(ish) couple picked up me and a fellow hitchhiker. The wife used to live four years in New York and was the manager of a fashion shop in “the frozen zone” up until a few days after September the 11th. Anyway, they dropped me off infront of the tunnel that leads to Austria. There Jedo, the first person I asked took me at lightspeed all the way through Austria and up until Nuremberg – yippie! At a motorway service area I drew my “Berlin” sign, put it out and the third car stopped and took me all the way up. I was telling Birgit und Ralf I have to go to the centre of Berlin to stay there with some friends and that I want to go on to Schwerin the next morning. They offered me to stay in their cute little country house a bit outside Berlin. Wow, thanks! Eleven hours from Ljubljana to Berlin dispite some traffic jam – not bad..

In the morning Ralf brought me to the nearby motorway. After an hour (5 cars passed me so far) an elderly couple picked me up, took a couple of wrong turns because they were going a different way than me, and let me out at a little busier drive-up. Another couple picked me up, told me it’s a bad spot and brought me a little further. I had a lot of time so I enjoyed the play in amusement. 🙂 At the petrol station I got a “sorry, don’t take hitchhikers as a matter of priciple” by someone from Ludwigslust. Pah, Ludwigslust, who wants to go there anyway? 😉 Shortly after the next person took me close to my hometown. He was a sales consultant and we had a very good talk about what drives humankind to do what it does (ruin our planet), and the hour flew by in no time. Finally at the road to Schwerin Ingo in his red Alpha racer took me right to the Schwerin castle, the heart of my fair city. What a nice journey, always again!

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