Spring in Schwerin

Maybe some of you found out that my entry from the 1st of April was a hoax. For the ones of you that didn’t: well, it was. 🙂 I had a nice easter weekend. On Friday Seppl, Höhni, Sophie and me went to the beach on the island at Poel near Wismar at the baltic sea half an hour away. After playing around with a frisby and all the cameras we brought, we collected loads of wood from the nearby forrest and lit a fire. Thank god, because quickly after the sun went down Grandpa Frost creeped out from behind some stones to say hello. He brought along his mate Freezing Cold Wind. After we went to our tents we had some rain as well. Well, yeah, you know, I still believe it was a good idea to go camping. The next day the three of us boys hitchhiked back to Schwerin. It was great fun in the sun between some burned down (in our minds) NCC super-commercial cottages next to some trees mutilated by the multi-national NCC, bottles of wine, loads of garlic, picknicks, an abandoned mill with a storehouse, wind turbine parks, smoked fish, fields to cross and an Easter bonfire with free beer. At night we went to a nice Drum and Bass party in Schwerin’s Komplex.

Don’t know what I did on Sunday, but on Monday I drove my mum to Danmark to let her have a look at their puppy dog which they will take home in a couple of weeks. The breeder has a nice little house in the Danish country side four hours away from here. The eight little dogs found some great fun in eating my trousers, my shoes and my jumper. Silly little things. Must be some kind of reflex to chew stuff when it’s attached to tall two legged other things. On the way back we stopped in Kolding, a cute little city. But man, Denmark is so expensive! I didn’t steer a car in such a long time. Hmm, strange feeling to be behind the wheel. I only saw one or two people hitchhiking..

I’m in my hometown four weeks now. The project that I came here for still didn’t start. D’oh! But as it looks I can start working on it pretty soon. Until then I’ll enjoy the springtime in Schwerin.

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