Cycling Mecklenburg

Last Thursday some old friends of mine gathered [photo], as every Herrentag (Ascension Day) since ten years or so. We decorated our bicycles with lilac and cruised around the countryside of my home village Pinnow all day and got pretty drunk from the beer that we brought with us in bottles, and we did many silly things as usual. Food was served from the grill that we carried with us in a small trolley [photo]. This is by far the silliest tradition that I’m involved in when home. The next day a friend and me cycled some 60 km towards the Baltic sea to join a small barbecue. The day after we went back the same way. And again we realised how beautiful our home is. At night I joined the traditional Rider’s Ball in Pinnow. Sunday morning I helped putting up and down jumps at the annual horse jumping tournament in Pinnow. I cycled back to Schwerin to play Frisby in the castle’s park. What an active weekend – I still have sore muscles. 😉

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