Nuclear power – clean, efficient, save enough

Many people have a different opinion. They say nuclear power:

  • Still creates dangerous waste (for many generations to come)
  • Is very expensive (and wouldn’t survive without taxpayer’s subsidies)
  • Runs out of uranium (in 50 years if nuclear energy production is maintained at current level)
  • Causes serious accidents with radioactive release (at least 22 since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986)
  • Means nuclear weapons (through spreading technology)
  • Emits CO2 (from cradle to grave as much CO2 as a modern gas-fired energy plant)

With rising prices for fossil fuels like oil and gas nuclear lobbyists prepare their comeback in Europe. To stop this from happening activists are collecting 1.000.000 signatures for a petition. So, if you think the arguments above are strong enough to make us use alternatives, please Sign the petition. It will only take a minute. How can a petition change anything? Well, this is how the European legislation works: If there are a certain number of people complaining about an issue, the EU is legally bound to do something about it.

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