Dijon – Schwerin

Last night Miruna and me arrived to my home in Pinnow near Schwerin. From Dijon Carol and me got a lift to Germany by the Saxonian hackers “20H” and “Tiger”. Carol got off at Metz. From Frankfurt to Hagen I went with a doctor of Afghanian origin, and the last 20 km to Wuppertal I got a free train ride on someone else’s ticket. Miruna and me stayed a few days in a small town near Wuppertal and started our trip to Schwerin very early in the morning. The friend of Miruna’s family that we were staying with gave us a lift to a petrol station towards Bremen. After two hours of white-bread people driving by us a friendly couple on their way with a trailer to north-east Germany brought us to Bremen. The two had travelled off the beaten path since decades and quite some stories to tell about Romania, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan in the 80s. In Bremen we spent the afternoon with Antje, an old friend of mine from my village that I didn’t see in years. Back on the road we waited 5 minutes until a salesman for luxury watches picked us up. Quote: “You know, diamonds easily make a watch cost more than a million.” He dropped us in Hamburg at the exit towards Berlin. There were two other hitchhikers, which did not look too lucky. After 20 minutes a nomadic tattoo artist and painter brought us to somewhere near Wismar, 20 km from Schwerin. At a crossing in the middle of nowhere a young guy cruising around the villages picked us up in his really big old car, and drove us to Schwerin very slowly (to save petrol). We had a beer at a pond in the centre where my mum and my stepfather picked us up and brought us to Pinnow. They had prepared the guest appartment very nicely for us and we were happy to arrive. Good weather, nice lifts, nice people.. 🙂

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