Tanneries squat, pRINT, nocturnes, RMLL in Dijon

I arrived to Dijon last night. Leaving from Brussels I got delayed by the rain a lot, so I had to stay in a field somewhere between Luxemburg and Metz. It started to rain heavily as I was starting to put up my tent. In the hurry I must have bent the longer tent pole too much, so it broke with a loud crack – no, noooooo! Why now, why here, arghhh. Rain soaked everything and completed my misery. I covered my bag with the tarp, searching for the pegs in the dark. Then I found this small piece of pipe in the peg bag, which I never knew what it was for. Heureka! It exactly fits over the pole and fixes broken poles. 🙂 In the morning rain forced me to sleep late, ah, there could be worse things. I arrived to Dijon late in the afternoon, a small film crew on their way to Barcelona gave me a lift from Nancy. I walked the last kilometres to the local squat, home of the pRINT! hacklab, which will be homing the nocturnes, the night events of the RMLL free/libre software meeting next week. OK, enough links.. The first vegan food has been cooked, the first organisers’ meeting attended, going to bed now. The squat is huge! A childhood dream has come true, I am staying in a medium-size empty factory, inhabited by friendly people, with many rooms and a warehouse as the living room, full of all sorts of creative junk that has been moved around, worked with, abandoned, just to be picked up by another person walking through. First class graffiti everywhere and space, space, space.

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