A little earth quake

Things get more and more exciting in Bucharest: Last night we had an earthquake! People say it was more than 6 on the scale. Pretty scary when you are on the 9th floor of a tower block, built up in big hurry in the seventies. I was in a jolly round with a group of french people, Monika, Oana and Gabriela. First we didn’t realise what was going on, because someone was dancing and we thought that made things swing. I like the way everybody sits in the same boat in this kind of moments. It’s everywhere, you can’t escape it, everybody feels the power of our Great Mother, there is no other worry for a few minutes, no matter how poor or how rich you are. — A few hours later we had a lunar eclipse with the appendant full moon. Some people on the street said the it’s related to each other.

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