Rocking Pula with Alex

Hah, three days ago Alex, a close friend and travel partner of mine from my hometown arrived! It was quite a surprise as I totally forgot that he was planning to visit me. There he was knocking on my door in the morning. Funny. We had a lot of fun exploring beaches and the night life of Rojc and Pula. Now he is gone back to Germany and he forgot his fancy hiking shoes. Ah, well. Last night’s concert at the Ethno Jazz festival in a village some kilometres away from Pula and the after party with pool and many DINKs (Double Income No Kids 😉 were a nice experience. Alex, me and another guy from Pula started the interesting part of the party by jumping into the pool naked and with a lot of noise. People were filming and taking pictures – haha! Today I’m off to Rijeka, where I will take the boat all along the coast to Dubrovnik in the very south of Croatia. From there I might go over Albania and Macedonia to Bulgaria. Ahhh, really excited already!

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