Festival season in Pula

There is the 10th “Puf” theatre festival on at the moment. Many of the events take place in and around Rojc, so in my courtyard. It started off three days ago with a performance in the huge empty part of the building. Around 20 large rooms have been cleared out and transformed into sets of various acting scenes. Each show was 5 minutes long and has been repeated 9 times. The audience was scattered all over the building and had exactly one minute time to walk from show to show. So during the breaks, starting and ending with loud ringing tones, there was hectic rush on the corridors. Shows ranged from audience participation over classical acting to singing and dance performances. Each room had its own atmosphere through music, light and set. Very inspiring.. The next day I went to a show of The Forgotten Fish Memory Orchestra in the Monteparadiso Austro-Hungarian fortress a few minutes from Rojc. Again it was several short shows with a small audience. The set was done with a lot of love to details, the costumes and music were flawless. The Forgotten Fish people live in Rojc and I met them some times before. It was funny to see them all dressed up and really living their performance. The best thing about the theatre festival is that all shows are free of charge! Last night I went to a neo-hippie type jugglers in vans wedding with lots of bongos, fire acrobatic, food, drink and smoking at another old Austro-Hungarian fortress. I met many familiar faces and ended up sleeping wrapped in a big kitchen cloth ontop of one of the watch hills..

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