Transhack meeting aftermath

The hackmeeting is over. Have a look at the THK photos to get a little impression what it was like. I definitively had a lot of fun! To my surprise the crowd was not too techie, actually many people spent most of the day at the beaches. =) Many media activists and artists were around, still Linux was by far the most popular operating system used. A lot of people moved around with their laptops enjoying the wireless freedom in the shade outside or somewhere around the building. A pitty that my battery is broken. The self-organisation of the meeting went pretty well, but still I ran around a lot to see if there is anything on fire. My workshop about “sustainable computing” was quite a success I thought. Fifteen people showed up and in the end there was a good discussion going about how to use your machines in a sustainable manner. I’ll post the minutes soon. Uh, another one of those promises.. 😉

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