Arrested in Ankara

Back in Ankara after some lifts by weirdo truck drivers.. I don’t know, I think it’s going to be no more trucks in Turkey. We felt a bit uncomfortable after one guy asking for special favours. 🙁 Anyway, back in town this morning we went to a peace protest. The amount of police (a lot of them with massive machine guns or riot gear), tanks and controls was just unbelievable. They really don’t like the idea of something getting out of control here. The protest zone was completely locked off. When I was picking up a stick for my peace flag in a park a cop ran over and asked me for my passport. I showed him my German ID card, but he wouldn’t accept it and told me I would have a “big problem!” now. After hours being presented to people of ever higher rank and being transported to the police headquarter in a neutral van by people without uniform I was given lovely food and released without any charges. Interesting account with the officials here.. 🙂

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